
许多这些和额外的服务都在密歇根州立大学丹佛分校 学生中心.



从入学到毕业, Academic Advisors help students connect the dots of their unique academic journey. 这包括课程、资源等等! 把皇冠官网网站当成顾问吧, 一部分礼宾, 并为你的成功投资.


The 从教室到就业中心 is available to support students’ job search needs.


The 大学援助移民计划(CAMP) is a grant-funded scholarship program by the U.S. 教育部. CAMP是为满足学术需求而设计的, 金融, and social needs of migrant/seasonal farmworkers and their children in pursuing higher education. While the program provides its most intensive assistance during the freshman year of college, the CAMP team is available to assists students throughout their college experience.


The Rocky Mountain AMP mission at Metropolitan State University of 丹佛 is to provide 金融, 教育, 以及对非裔美国人的个人支持, 西班牙裔美国人, Pacific Islanders and Native American students who plan to seek degrees in Science, 工程, 数学, 计算机信息系统或计算机科学.


The department educates the students of 密歇根州立大学丹佛 in a way that promotes science literacy and inspires lifelong learning and appreciation of the 地球 system.  应用地质学专业毕业的学生, 环境科学, 地理位置, Geospatial Sciences and 气象学 are highly skilled and knowledgeable in their field.  They gain employment in the field after graduation due to the quality and diversity of their skills, or go on to successfully continue their 教育 journey at a graduate school.

财政援助办公室 or 303-556-8593

Learn about opportunities for 金融 support for your academic path.


为第一代大学生提供全方位支持, 来自低收入家庭的学生, 残疾学生. 全面支持包括学术支持, 经济援助信息, 研究生准备, 以及职业指导.


The 密歇根州立大学丹佛 辅导中心 is not only for students who are having difficulty with course material, 但也适合那些想要出类拔萃的学生. 无论你的目标是 赶上,跟上,或者做得更好 in your studies, the 辅导中心 will assist you in achieving that goal. 皇冠官网网站提供 免费的 one-on-one and group tutoring sessions in a variety of subjects.

写作中心 或致电303-615-1888

The 写作中心 can help you with any aspect of your writing, from generating ideas to supporting your arguments to organizing to editing for style. 访问 the website for the current schedule or to make an appointment.


多元文化参与与包容中心: ibelstaffjackets.com/multicultural-center

CMEI is a leader at 密歇根州立大学丹佛 is supporting racial justice and the experiences of students of color. CMEI提供学生编程, 休闲空间, 大事件, 机构宣传, and houses the Brother-to-Brother and Sister Circles programs.

心理咨询中心: 303-615-9988或303-352-4455(非工作时间) ibelstaffjackets.com/counsel

平衡大学生活的各种需求是很困难的. 除了学术要求之外, 有财政压力, 关系问题, and job stressors that can leave you feeling beat up and worn out. The 咨询中心 工作人员 can help you find ways to manage difficult times and provide you with a comforting place to examine your life and learn more about yourself so you can realize your potential. Students are encouraged to make an appointment for their first visit.


Provides wrap-around support for students who have adulted out of the foster care system, 是解放的青年, 在亲属关怀方面, 或者没有支持系统的学生. 支持 includes emotional support, academic check-ins, resource referrals, and peer connection. 

性别教育和倡导研究所303-615-2052, ibelstaffjackets.com/gender-institute-teaching-advocacy/

皇冠官网网站的使命是成为变革教育的中心, 编程, 倡导性别平等和社会包容问题. We aim to provide academic and holistic support for students targeted by sexism and other intersecting oppressions. At GITA, we are committed to inclusive excellence in academic 编程 and services.

健康中心: 303-556-2525或303-352-4455(非工作时间) www.healthcenter1.com

奥瑞瑞亚的健康中心为学生服务, 教职员工 from all three colleges on the Auraria Campus, 以及Auraria高等教育中心的工作人员. 皇冠官网网站的校园设施提供x光服务, 医学化验所及处方配药处.  All medical personnel are trained to address walk-in care concerns, 初级保健疾病和伤害, chronic medical conditions and preventive health care and wellness.

住房和通勤资源: ibelstaffjackets.com/housing/

移民服务: ibelstaffjackets.com/移民-services/

The 移民服务 Program is an academic and social support program that aims to increase enrollment, 保留, 毕业时没有证件, DACA, 移民, 难民学生. 通过学业辅导, 英语作为第二语言支持, 奖学金申请协助, 以及获得校园和社区资源的途径, the program’s mission is to address the most common challenges and barriers to education that this underserved, 未被充分代表的学生群体面临. 

LGBTQ学生资源中心 303-615-0515, ibelstaffjackets.com/lgbtq/

The LGBTQ Student Resource Center is a tri-institutional office on the Auraria Campus serving the students, 教职员工. We are available to all Auraria students as a resource for exploring issues of sexual orientation and gender identity.

生活发生,寻求支持:  http://5fz.ibelstaffjackets.com/dean-of-students/

Rowdy 's Corner(食品储藏室): http://5fz.ibelstaffjackets.com/student-care-center/rowdys-corner/

Rowdy’s Corner serves to fight hunger on campus by providing basic nutritional food for students in times of need. Rowdy’s Corner is available to all 密歇根州立大学丹佛 students and provides snacks and pantry items for meal preparation. Rowdy’s Corner is aligned with additional resources on and off campus that promote the overall well-being of the students.

Rowdy’s Corner is part of the Student Care Center and sponsored by Student Engagement & Wellness, Student Government: The 学生权益委员会, and the 密歇根州立大学丹佛 community. Rowdy’s Corner is an agency partner of Food Bank of the Rockies.

凤凰中心: 303 - 556电话(2255), www.thepca.org

凤凰中心在Auraria (PCA)为学生服务, 工作人员, and faculty who have been impacted by interpersonal violence (relationship violence, 性侵犯, (跟踪)直接或作为次要幸存者. The PCA provides free and confidential resources, referrals, and emotional support.

退伍军人服务: ibelstaffjackets.com/veterans/

退伍军人服务, assists with the student veteran transition from military to student life; provides information and assistance from the enrollment process through graduation; helps students maximize the use of education benefits; removes barriers to 保留 for veteran and military students; works to inform the community about ways to support veteran/military students; advocates for veteran and military students; provides resource referrals.